Our Story

In 2009 Juanita Jones started the Keep My Hood Good Campaign to serve the children of Jackson who are stuck in generational poverty. What started as playing kickball in Lincoln Courts and Parkway East has turned into serving as many as 26 students from local schools each week teaching them the principles of accountability, excellence, integrity, and respect of self and to others.

Students are provided transportation to our location on Riverside Drive Monday-Thursday from 3-6pm. During that time they are provided with a safe environment, a snack, activities, and a time to learn about life. KMHG also provides a Summer program to help students during the summer.


Juanita Jones

Juanita Jones the Founder & Executive Director of Keep My Hood Good Community Campaign. Upon high school graduation, she studied Psychology & Criminal Justice at University of Tennessee at Martin. Juanita is currently a member of theCapt Jack Holland Detachment #735 United States Marine Corps League in Jackson. She graduated from Leadership Jackson in 2001. While running her transportation business, Jay & Jai transportation, she saw a need for helping children in East Jackson to break the cycle of generational poverty. In 2009 Juanita founded Keep My Hood Good to serve these children.

Board of Directors

 Special Projects Committee